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Types of Hackers - explained in tamil

Types of Hackers - explained in Tamil 

Types of hacker in tamil
Types of hacker in tamil

Types of hackers explained in Tamil, hello guys, today blog is all about different types of hackers in tamil and there are 10 types of hackers in the computer world. so let's see the hacker types in tamil .
வணக்கம் தோழர்களே, இன்று வலைப்பதிவு என்பது தமிழில் பல்வேறு வகையான ஹேக்கர்களைப் பற்றியது மற்றும் கணினி உலகில் 10 வகையான ஹேக்கர்கள் உள்ளனர்.  எனவே ஹேக்கர் வகைகளைப் பார்ப்போம்.

Different Types of hackers :

1. White hat hackers :

Meet the right guys on the dark web, white hackers also know as ethical hackers are the cybersecurity experts who help the government and organization by performing penetration testing and identifying the loopholes in their cybersecurity . They even do other methodologies and ensure protection from black hat hackers and other malicious cyber crimes, simply stated these are the right people who are on your side white hat hackers choose to use their powers for good rather than evil. Also known as "ethical hackers", white hat hackers can sometimes be paid employees or contractors working for companies as security specialists that attempt to find security holes via hacking . White hat hackers employ the same methods of hacking as black hats, with on exception-they do it with permission from the owner of the system first, which makes the process completely legal. White hat hackers perform penetration testing, test in-place security systems and perform vulnerability assessments for companies. There are even courses, training, conferences and certification for ethical hacking . They will hack into system with the good intention of finding vulnerabilities and help you remove virus and hardware from your system. (Tamil) Contrasted with black hat, a malicious hacker, the name comes from the Western films, where heroic  and antagonist cowboys. Might traditional wear a white and black hat respectively. While white hacker hack under good intentions with permission, and a black hat hacker, most often unauthorized, has malicious intent, there is an third kind know as grey hat hackers 

2. Black hat hackers :

Taking credit  for the negative persona around "hacking" these guys are your culprits . A black hat hacker is the type of hacker you should be worried. Like all hackers, black hat hackers usually have extensive knowledge about breaking into computer networks and by passing security protocols. They are also responsible for writing malware, which is a method used to gain access to these systems. Their primary motivation is usually for personal or financial gain, but they can also be involved in cyber espionage, protest or perhaps are just addicted to the thrill of cybercrime. Black hat hackers can range from amateurs getting their feet wet by spreading malware, to experienced hackers that aim to steal data, specifically financial information, personal information and login credentials. Not only do black hackers seek to steal data, they also seek to modify or destroy data as well . Heard a news about a new cybercrime today? One of the black hat hackers may be behind it, while their agenda may be monetary most of the time it's not always just that. These hackers look for vulnerabilities in individual PCs, organization and bank systems. Using any loopholes they may find, they can hack into  your network and get access to your personal, business and financial information . Black hat hackers are criminals who break into computer networks with malicious intent . (Types of hackers in tamil) They may also release malware that destroy files or steals password. Ese hackers look for vulnerabilities in individual PCs, organization and bank syestms .

3. Grey hackers :

Grey hat hackers fall somewhere in between white hat and black hat hackers. While they may not use their skills for personal gain, they can, however, have both good and bad intentions. For instance, a hacker who hacks into organization and finds some vulnerability may leak it over the Internet or inform the organization about it. As in life, there are grey areas that are neither black or white. Grey hat hackers are a blend of both black hat and white hat activities. Often, grey hat hackers will look for vulnerability in a syestem without the owner's permission or knowledge. If issues found, they will report them to the owner, sometimes requesting a small fee to fix the issue. It all depends upon the hacker. These type of hackers are not inherently malicious with their intentions; they're just looking to get something out of their discoveries for themselves. Usually, grey hat hackers will not exploit the found vulnerabilites. However, this type hacking is still considered illegal because the hacker did not receive permission from the owner prior to attempting to attack the system. Although the word hacker tends to evoke negative connections when referred to, it is important to remember that all hackers are not created equal. If we didn't have white hat hackers diligently seeking out threats and vulnerability before the black hats can find them, then there would be probably be a lot more activity involving cybercriminals exploiting vulnerabilities and collecting sensitive data than there is now. Nevertheless, as soon as hackers use their hacking skills for personal gain they become black hat hackers. There is fine line between these two. So let's make it simple for you. Because a gray hat hackers doesn't use his skills or personal gain, he is not a black hat hacker. Also, because he is not legally authorized to hack the organization's cybersecurity, he can't be considered a white hat either. A gray hat hacker (also spelled gray hat hacker) someone who may violate ethical standards or principles, but without malicious intent ascribed to black hat hackers. For instances, a hacker who hacks into an organization and find some vulnerability may leak it over the Internet or inform the organization about it. (Types of hackers in tamil) Gray hat hackers may engage in practices that seem less than completely above board, but are often operating for the common good.

 4. Script kiddies :

 A derogatory term often used by amature hackers who don't care about the coding skills. These hackers are usually download tools or use avaliable hacking codes written by developers and hackers. Their primary purpose is often to impress their friends or gain attention. However they don't care about learning. By using off-the-shelf codes and tools, these hackers may launch some attacks without bothering for the quality of the attack . Most common cyber attacks by script kiddies might include DoS and DDoS attacks. Script kiddies usually just use tools that abstract the underlying concept of computer security. Script kiddes are widely considered to be immature, very lazy, and definitely not hackers. Being a script kiddie will not gain any recognition in the hacker community.

5. Green hat hackers :

This hackers are the amateurs in the online world of hacking. Consider them script kiddies but with a difference. These newbies have a desire to become Full-blown hackers and are very curious to learn. You may find them engrossed in the hacking communities bombarding Their fellow hackers with questions. You can identity them by their spark to grow and learn more about the hacking trade. Once you answer a single question, the hackers will listen with undivided attention and ask another question until you answer all the queries. Also refer to as a neophyte or "noob", this is a hacker who is fresh in the hacking world and often gets flak for it having little to no knowledge of the inner workings of the web.

6. Blue hat hackers :

There are another form of novice hackers like script kiddies whose main agenda is to take revenge on anyone who makes them angry. They have no desire for learning and may use simple cyber attacks like flooding your IP  with overloaded packets which will results in DoS attacks. (Types of hacker in tamil) A script kiddie with a vengeful agenda can be considered a blue hat hacker. Looking for exploits so they can be closed. Blue hat hackers also refers to the security professional invited by "Microsoft" to find vulnerabilities in Windows.

7. Red hat hackers :

Red hat hackers have an agenda similar to white hat hackers which in simple words is halting the acts of black hat hackers. However, there is an major difference in the way they operate, they are ruthless when it comes dealing with black hat hackers. Instead of reporting a malicious attack, they believe in taking down the black hat hackers completely . Red hat hackers will launch a serious of aggressive cyber attacks and malware on the hacker that the hacker may as well have to replace the whole system. However, red hat have been characterized as vigilantes... Rather than hand a black hat over to the authorities, red has will launch aggressive attacks against them to bring down, often destroying the black hat's computer and resources.

 8. State/Nations sponsored hackers :

State or nation sponsored hackers are those who have been employed by their state or nation's government to snoop in and penetrate through full security to gain confidential information from other government to stay at the top online.  They have an endless budget and extremely advance tools at their disposal to target individuals, companies or rival nations. Hackers and hacking moved from being a target of the state to a key resource for the expression and deployment of state power.

9. Hacktivist :

If you ever come across social activities propagandizing a social, political or religious agenda, then you might as well meet hacktivist, the online version of hactivist. Hacktivist is a hacker or a group of anonymous hackers who think they can bring about social changes and often hack government and (types of hackers in tamil) organization to gain attention or share their displeasure over opposing their line of thought. The term "hacktivist" traces back to 1994,  originating from the hacker group "cult of the dead cow".  Hacktivism started as a way for people to protest online to affect.

10. Malicious insider or whistleblower :

A malicious insider or a whistleblower may be an employee with a grudge or a strategic employee compromised or hired by rivals to garner trade secrets of their opponents to stay on top of their game. These hackers may take privilege from their early access to information and their role within the company to hack the system .

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                 நன்றி வணக்கம்🙏🙏🙏

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