Humans Are Affected by smartphones
Technology is disrupting human circadian rhythms and robbing us of sleep
With smartphones seemingly ubiquitous in the industrialised world, sleep researchers have confirmed what many already suspected – technology is disrupting human sleep in ways we still don’t fully understand.
Humans, along with plants, fungi, and animals, possess what is known as a circadian rhythm, the internal clock that regulates our sleep-wake cycle.
As far as scientists can tell, the majority of this rhythm is maintained by the hypothalamus which releases the sleep hormone melatonin and is highly responsive to changes in ambient light, especially around dawn and dusk.
However, artificial light can impact the dynamics of the hypothalamus, and increased exposure to blue light from electronic devices like smartphones, laptops and certain kinds of ereaders is having a gradual impact on modern humans' near 24-hour intrinsic sleep rhythm.
"Light is mainly doing two things to the clock. It is setting the time of the clock and it is changing the amplitude or strength of the clock,” says professor Jamie Zeitzer from Stanford University.
A growing body of research indicates that artificial light can suppress melatonin production in humans, thereby disrupting the natural inclination to sleep at the end of the day, often lengthening the time it takes to drift off to sleep.
Also on Why sleep pods are science fiction: Long-term space travelers need high-intensity exercise to protect their hearts, study says"There is evidence that 1.5 hours (or more) of bright screen use reduces the natural nighttime increase in melatonin, and this effect may compound over multiple nights," says Dr Cele Richardson from Western Australia University.
Previous studies have found that pre-sleep activity can impact the length of time required to fall asleep. One 2014 study compared e-book versus printed book readers and found that the latter group fell asleep up to 10 minutes earlier.
A separate study examined the impact of blue light filter products and found that users fell asleep up to four minutes earlier than non-users.
However, another complicating factor is that those who have trouble falling asleep are more likely to use technology to entertain themselves as they lie awake and struggle to fall asleep, in a kind of negative feedback loop which deprives them of yet more sleep overall.
"A bi-directional relationship between technology use and sleep is likely. That is, technology use may affect sleep over time, yet individuals who have trouble sleeping may subsequently increase their technology use," Richardson added.
The precise impact of artificial light on our still somewhat mysterious sleep cycle remains unknown but the growing scientific consensus is that technology is having a negative influence on our collective ability to get a good night’s sleep.
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Digital Eye Strain: How the Increase Use of Digital Devices is Affecting Our Eyesight
The pervasiveness of technology has touched nearly every aspect of our lives, such as the way we stay on top of current events.
Based on the report published by the Pew Research Center, people in America are consuming more news on the Internet than ever before.
Social media is slowly but surely becoming the main source of news. We stay glued to our screen’s glow, not resisting the urge to unlock the phone.
Most importantly, technology revolutionized the workplace, bringing about change in the way employees, co-workers, and managers communicate. Multiple gadgets are used at work to increase productivity.
Besides the traditional computer, we end up using devices such as tablets, phones, smartwatches, and so on. They’re used as resources, not entertainment means.
You may ask: “What’s the problem?”. Well, we’re becoming increasingly dependent on technology. Indeed, electronic devices are wonderful things, making our lives easier and more convenient, but our eyes are suffering daily as a result of prolonged usage.
The most common and troubling symptom is digital eye strain. It’s an eye and vision-related issue that is caused by the obsessive use of digital technologies.
Digital eye strain affects more than 50% of people, adults and children alike, so it can be regarded as an emerging public health threat. Digital devices emit blue light, which causes eye strain and can even lead to problems over time.
What are some of the most common symptoms of digital eye strain?
Digital eye strain signs and symptoms can include:
■ Tiredness and dryness
■ Difficulty refocusing the eyes
■ Headaches
■ Blurred/double vision
■ Neck and shoulder pain
■ Eye discomfort
Apart from glaring at digital screens, other causes that can explain eye strain are poor lighting, inadequate viewing distances, poor sitting posture, and uncorrected vision problems. Equally, a combination of the aforementioned factors can lead to tired and irritated eyes.
Without even realizing it, we stare at the screen, while the eyes are working very hard to focus and create sharp images. The eyes react to the changing images on the screen so that the brain can process the information. Needless to say, all this demands a great effort from the eye muscles.
Unfortunately, not many people are talking about this problem because they consider eye strain normal. Everyone’s lives have been turned upside down by this new normal.
If nothing is done to address the root of the problem, the symptoms recur and even worsen with future digital screen use.
Addressing digital eye strain: Can computer glasses help?
Eye care professionals recommend addressing digital eye strain through behavioral management, such as blinking more often and taking regular breaks from the digital screen to look at distant objects.
While there’s no denying the efficacy of these pieces of advice, it’s necessary to invest in a pair of glasses. Anyone who sits for long periods of time working on a computer should be wearing glasses.
Attention needs to be paid to the fact that computer glasses are different from eyeglasses and reading glasses. They allow the eye to focus on the computer screen, which is farther away as compared to traditional reading material.
The glasses filter out blue light given off by the digital screen, reducing potential damage to the retina from prolonged exposure.
As far as digital eye strain is concerned, women are more likely to report symptoms as opposed to men. Nonetheless, that doesn’t mean that men aren’t vulnerable to the negative effects of blue light.
They use computers and laptops every day, probably more than women do. Many have started to acknowledge the importance of wearing protective eyewear while working.
Men computer glasses alleviate eye strain, fatigue, and tiredness. Companies have come up with exclusive ranges of eyewear for men and women alike. Stylish options can be purchased without a prescription.
The frames come in various styles, so it’s possible to find something that suits your taste. Style isn’t as important as eye protection, but it’s an important consideration.
Anyway, these days, it’s possible to find computer glasses that look good on any gender.
When vision is impaired, it can significantly impact the quality of life
Having good vision is important for overall health. People who struggle with vision issues are more likely to experience high blood pressure, poor hearing, and depression.
When vision is impaired, your quality of life is severely affected. It becomes hard to carry out normal activities satisfactorily.
If you keep your eyes in good condition, you’ll be able to avoid strain. The result is that your health gets better and you enjoy other benefits that come with living a normal lifestyle.
At present, we can’t do without digital screens. Technology has evolved to the point that it has become an integral part of life.
You can put the phone down, but if your job relies on computer use, there’s nothing you can do, except protect your eyes with a pair of special glasses.
Computer glasses are a good choice as opposed to bifocals and progressive lenses. The explanation lies in the fact that the latter aren’t suitable for the distance to the computer screen.
Eyeglasses that filter out blue light from computers, smartphones, and tablets enjoy widespread popularity. They’re comfortable, look good, and have the power to improve workday and sleep outcomes. Besides wearing computer glasses, it’s recommended to take one or several of the following steps:
■ Reduce glare in the room.
■ Replace the LED screen with an anti-reflective surface.
■ Exercise the eyes.
■ Take frequent breaks.
■ Make an effort to blink often.
All in all, we’re now dependent on digital devices, but we don’t truly comprehend the scale of its influence on our eyesight. Like drinking water, being digital is noticed only by its absence.
Screen time is bad for the eyes, but let’s not forget about the impact that it has on the brain. Humans haven’t evolved to stare at bright screens all day long.
This is why it’s necessary to be cautious when leveraging technology. It’s not to say that computers and other digital devices are bad. It’s just that we need to be mindful about protecting our eyes
How Evolving Technology May Affect the Human Race
Technological advancement has had a boost in the last few decades. It is clear that the world will remain in an era of continuous improvement in technology. With the introduction of smartphones, computers, and the internet, various changes have affected different aspects of human interaction and decision-making. Today, technology has improved several industries by introducing e-learning sites, online casino platforms with a huge variety of free slots no download, and much more.
While all these new and innovative ideas are coming out to play, you may need to consider the long-term effect it has on the human race. In the area of communication, there has been a significant reduction to the challenges faced years ago. Some may see that this “so-called” improvement brought a form of separation between people. These days, many people spend so much time communicating with others from places far and wide that they fail to have the proper relationship with the ones closest to them.
As today’s psychology says, “all the new technologies led by the digital and internet innovations, the human thinking is taking a shape that is subtle and obvious, unintentional and deliberate, detrimental and advantageous.”
Technology will affect us:
So, let’s take a look at some predicted effects technology will have on the human race in the future.
MemoryThe internet has given thousands of people access to an unlimited source of information at their fingertips. With a personal computer, people can now store every little detail on it, including small facts they could memorize easily. A new study taken reveals that “access to information has changed not only what we remember but how we remember things.” The constant use of the internet, mobile phones, and computers have decreased the ability of humans to retain certain information due to it being available on a device.
An interesting example is how the populace finds it easier to remember the name of the specific folder holding certain information than the actual data inside such a folder. Worse case, persons quickly remember key search terms that will uncover the information they would usually keep.
Reduced Death RateTechnology not only advanced in the area of communication and finance but significantly in the medical industry. Years ago, the death rate was at an increased level. The difference between then and now is such that what we refer to as a minor disease today was a huge problem some centuries ago. Innovative technology has even affected the way farmers and ranchers involve in food planting and harvesting, and this helps to increase access to healthy foods. Although technology has depleted the earth’s atmosphere and resources, it has also made room for an increased life span. New technologies have helped guide childbirth, making it safer with fewer casualties when compared to years ago.
Hierarchy of Genetically Modified PeopleThe achievements in the medical field have been mind-blowing since its mix with technology. Technology has helped humans survive several genetic mutations (like diseases and infections) but, in doing so, minutely altered the DNAs of persons. And these days, more parents are trying to adjust or decide the sex and physical status of their unborn babies. The idea of “natural selection” is slowly dying.
In trying to make drugs or machines to treat several ailments, the human race may create its mutation. Today, scientists are trying to figure out a way to alter unborn children’s physical appearance or bone structure, all for creating something better. And this will eventually lead to a series of genetically modified children and people.
RelationshipsIs technology genuinely bringing people together or apart? Are you more connected to your spouse or friend than before? There are billions of people connected by one mobile app or another, chatting and messaging, as a form of communication. On the other hand, while you may become more connected to a friend miles away, you may tend to ignore most of the current happenings in front of you. An instance will be a couple at a dinner party with one frequently on the phone messaging a family member (or friend) thousands of miles away to tell them about their recent bonus for Book of Ra slot machine.
As much as communication has become easier with improved technology, it remains fair to say that it has drawn people more distant than ever. Sadly, the future will get to see more disconnectedly connected individuals roaming the streets unmindful of the persons around them. With the existence of social media, teens and middle-aged individuals have become more addicted to their screens.
Decision-MakingThese days, many persons will rather rely on the internet’s information about certain decisions than their instincts. When someone needs to buy a new car, the first thing that pops into their mind is to take a quick search through the internet for tips or ideas for the appropriate model. While this is a wise and reasonable thing to do, it affects how individuals trust their decision-making capabilities in the long-run.
Whether it is a form of dressing or painting idea, technology has instilled an unintentional belief that online information might be better or more ideal than the thoughts you would normally create. This means that the human race is slowly becoming less reliant on its instincts and choices and rely more on gathered knowledge and facts before making a decision. It is without a doubt that the decision-making skill of the human race is at risk with the availability of supposed facts and figures online.
Final ThoughtsIf you look closely, you can see that technology has had both good and bad effects on society. However, the immediate impact remains positive, but the human race will have an increasingly adverse effect on technology and its many applications in the long-run. There are becoming fewer reasons to have certain information stored in people’s memory due to easier storage on computers in many years to come. And with the continuously expanding storage space and cloud usage, the human brain’s use will eventually be for remembering passwords, keywords for searches, and folder names.
For us to progress successfully with technology, there has to be a significant striking balance drawn between the constant use of improved technology and the human application of such innovations. If not, the human race will have problems with basic decision-making skills in the future and (or) badly formed relationships, which is already evident today. What innovative technology holds for the future? If treated with appropriate guidance by all people, there will be continuous positive growth in several aspects of life. And one of these significant positive growth aspects will continue to include a reduced death and an increased food production rate.
Google expands its Android-based earthquake detection system
Google is expanding its Android-based earthquake detection and alert system, filling in gaps in places where there are few seismometers and no early warning systems. Starting today, the program that launched in California last year will also be available in Greece and New Zealand.
Filling in gaps in places where there are few seismometers
This also marks a new step for Google; it’s the first time the company will handle everything from detecting the earthquake to warning individuals. Android devices will first sense waves generated by quakes. Google then analyzes data from the phones and sends out an early warning alert to users in the affected area. Users will get the alerts automatically unless they opt out of the service.
When Google started on this endeavor, it worked with the United States Geological Survey and the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services to send earthquake alerts to Android users in California. This feature is now available in Oregon and will expand to Washington in May. Last year, Google started gathering earthquake data from phones. It then used that data to provide information to users if they searched for “earthquake” or “earthquake near me” on their phones.
Google’s system works because each phone is already equipped with an accelerometer, which can detect movement. The accelerometer can also detect primary and secondary earthquake waves, almost acting as a “mini seismometer, joining millions of other Android phones out there to form the world’s largest earthquake detection network,” according to Google. Seismometers are devices that detect ground movement, like earthquakes.
“It’d be great if there were just seismometer-based systems everywhere that could detect earthquakes,” Marc Stogaitis, principle Android software engineer at Google, told The Verge last year. Because of costs and maintenance, he says, “that’s not really practical and it’s unlikely to have global coverage.”
There are some limitations to Google’s system. People closest to the quake probably won’t get much advance warning since they’ll be the first ones to detect the quake. But their phones will help give a heads-up to others farther away, giving them crucial time to take shelter.
Android is the leading OS system for smartphones, so this service has a lot of room to grow. Eventually, Google could develop an API based on its earthquake detection system that could have farther-reaching effects. Other systems could use the API to let people off an elevator or open firehouse doors before losing power, Dieter Bohn wrote for The Verge last year. That’s still pretty far off but could make a huge difference in keeping people safe during future earthquakes.
Android has a unique life-saving feature that you won’t find on any iPhone
© Provided by BGR Android Earthquake Alerts System
The increasing number of iPhones and other Apple devices in use allowed Apple to create a unique device tracking service. It can help users find lost phones, tablets, and other devices even if those gadgets are not connected to the internet or do not have enough battery life. Apple further leveraged this massive iPhone network to launch the AirTag tracker that can ping any nearby iPhone to send out location information about a lost object.
Google might not have the same control over the Android network to offer similar object-tracking functionality, but it has found a different way to leverage the massive number of Android devices out there. It’s using them to provide a unique service that will be incredibly useful in certain places. Google built an earthquake detection system on top of Android that could provide early warnings about local seismic activity and save lives. The service launched last year in California, and it’s now expanding to Greece and New Zealand.
Smartphones can detect earthquakes thanks to an internal component that’s found inside all these devices, regardless of the operating system. It’s called the accelerometer and it can pick up movement, including seismic waves that occur during earthquakes. Google’s Android-based earthquake detection system can complement the existing networks of seismometers, or replace them in areas where they’re not widely deployed.
The expansion to Greece and New Zealand also comes with a brand new upgrade to Google’s earthquake detection system. Google will handle everything involved with the process, from detecting the earthquakes nearby to informing users. Android devices will detect seismic waves. Google will analyze the data and then send out an early warning alert to users in the affected area. People will get the alerts automatically, but they can opt out of the service from within the phone’s Settings.
Google’s initial earthquake detection efforts included a partnership with the United States Geological Survey and the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services to send alerts to Android users in California. Google collected earthquake data and then used it to provide information to users searching for “earthquake” or “earthquake near me” on their phones.
To work, the system has to have a large enough number of users willing to let Google use accelerometer data. It’s not immediately clear from Google’s announcement what the privacy implications are. Using connected devices to detect earthquakes is a smartphone feature that might save lives. But Google has had plenty of mishaps with user privacy and location data in the past. Here’s how Google describes the data handling process:
Early warning alerts in New Zealand and Greece work by using the accelerometers built into most Android smartphones to detect seismic waves that indicate an earthquake might be happening. If the phone detects shaking that it thinks may be an earthquake, it sends a signal to our earthquake detection server, along with a coarse location of where the shaking occurred. The server then takes this information from many phones to figure out if an earthquake is happening, where it is and what its magnitude is.
Google told The Verge last year that the information it collects is “de-identified” from users. “We don’t need to know anything about the person itself that’s sending it because that doesn’t matter,” Google’s Marc Stogaitis said, explaining that both the detection system and the earthquake alerts are opt-in.